Mostly, these days, I'm a stay-at-home-mom (home being an urban homestead on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA, mom being in reference to River (4) and Violet (2)). We are unschoolers and, if you want to get technical about it, unjobbers. My partner, James, is a builder and DJ; I've worked as a web content writer, and I'm currently trying to break into illustration (you can see my portfolio here). In my spare time (ha!) I'm into DIY stuff, radical politics, and witchcraft.

James has his own blog.

River is really into building these days, although that is subject to change at any moment. I really like his drawings.

Violet just turned two. She mostly likes to run around, laugh a lot, and get into whatever her brother is doing.

And that is us, basically.

Me on Google+

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