Friday, April 27, 2012


I'm getting a jump on my next drawing assignment. Look at me! I'm almost caught up.

This project was a monkey, drawn with four very different tools. I chose an indigo marker, two colored pens and blue watercolor. I was sketching at a coffee shop, so my weird media actually got a bit weirder when I realized I'd forgotten my paintbrush. Paint applied with a napkin turned out better than expected.

Digital imaging really doesn't do this monkey justice, though - his sky blues and pinks are actually much brighter on the page, and I'm surprisingly fond of this drawing, so much so that I decided to rework my first version into the one I'm posting.

This second version has less lines. I'm a very liney drawer; in general it's one of my strengths, but one of the big things these exercises are teaching me is that sometimes fewer lines are better.

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