Saturday, April 18, 2009

Violetaxis (Mammoth Update)

Art/Work: I am going to become an illustrator!

Background: it has become clear to me that I need to focus my efforts more, and more recently it has become clear that this is how I'm going to do it.

Realistically, my career goals haven't changed much since I was about ten, except that instead of fantasizing about being a bard, I mostly want to be a village witch. Good work if you can get it, but I thought I could use even a little more focus than that.

So, illustration. I like it better than copy writing, and think I have more talent for it. In the meantime, more copy writing, sure... And in the future, who knows? Maybe witching.

Blogging: I've recently been struck by my second-worst blogging block (after worrying that I can't think of any ideas that will interest all my readers): too many ideas. I'll go on for weeks sometimes, unable to pick just one. Thus, the sampler. The bonus is that hopefully there's something for everyone.

Blogging part 2: I read some interesting advice relevant to problem number one, which was to imagine one ideal reader of your content and write for them only. Supposedly it helps you avoid the trap of pleasing no one by trying to please everyone. Seems reasonable.

Blogging part 3: Look, colors!

Florida: We spent last week at a beach in Florida with James' mom, step-dad, sister and grandmother. It was awesome to just lie around, relax, and drink milkshakes. Thanks, guys!

State of Nature: It's violet season here, which is one of my favorite times of year. As you can see, I was out sketching them. I miss the huge patch that was in our old backyard, though.

I also got a new guidebook and managed to identify several of the things I've seen. The little blue flowers were a type of grass flower! And the birds, I think, were cowbirds, which are an invasive, nest-stealing species. It's too bad because they're really pretty, in an understated sort of way.

Also, when I was out identifying and sketching I saw a red-tailed hawk sitting in a tree about twenty feet away! It was pretty awesome. On the not-so awesome hand, the whole graveyard is pretty much covered with these weird little chemical pellets. Thanks a lot, landscapers.

Recursive Internet: Remember when I was writing about people writing on the internet about how to make money writing on the internet about making money writing on the internet? There's more. I recently stumbled on a whole new blogiverse of people coaching you about how to have an awesome life and freelance business, which often seems to involve become a life/small business coach which apparently is a pretty sweet job. They have some really interesting products, though. I'm definitely tempted.

Dance of Shiva: Actually, one of the products they were advertising I just couldn't resist, which was a video class on a type of yoga/dancing that supposedly rewires your brain in interesting ways. I've been practicing it for a few days, and it certainly is hard and weird. Here's a video of Havi Brooks demonstrating.

Life: Stuff is good. James is about to start a month of so of serious construction work, so I'm gonna be a housewife for a while. River and I will have to have all sorts of adventures. This should be fun since he is being cute as always and finally starting to talk (well, say words at least) a lot, which I am super excited about. It's a very busy time, but nice, especially since the sun is finally out.


  1. Yay! More people joining in the shiva nata gang. :)

    I haven't been doing a lot recently, but it's one of those practices where that's ok. No guilt.

    Just wanted to encourage you to stick with it whilst you get through the initial learning curve. Once you've had your first 'Aha!' moment, you'll know why I love it.

    Good luck.

  2. looks great, saw it on skineart! great line and composition.
