Sunday, March 6, 2011

Illustration Friday: "Warning"

I'm posting this thing that I made yesterday for Illustration Friday. It was a surprise to me on a lot of levels. The theme of the week is "warning", and initially I had a different idea in mind.

This piece started with a prompt I got from the Random Art Prompt Generator: "hearts resolved and hands prepared". I liked the double meaning of that phrase...hearts resolved not only in the sense of "determined", but in the artistic sense, as well. I liked the idea of starting with something chaotic and using it to create something refined. Hands prepared, I wasn't so sure what to do with. Prepared for what?

Anyway, it got really chaotic really fast. The spills went everywhere except where I wanted them to, the masking fluid tore the paper... a lot of things went wrong, but I was determined to come up with something as "resolved" as possible.

The thing is, artistically, I'm fine or even good at what I do. What I do is, basically, draw: people, things, designs. I'm good at drawing stuff. I think this should be good enough to get me some entry-level illustration work. But when I look at illustration I actually love (Kiri Moth is my new illustration obsession) it's usually much more complicated. It's frustrating. I need more skills, and I want them now. Hands prepared.

Thus, risk. Hearts, unresolved and otherwise.

Warning: things don't always work out as planned.

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